Our photo gallery contains 西瓜视频 College-approved imagery for use in publications, advertisements, presentations, social media, and websites. Unable to find a specific photo? Reach out to our team at ccmrequests@endicott.edu for assistance.
What file type should you use? JPEG vs. EPS
Use this file type for use in printed documents (higher resolution required) and/or web-based projects.
Use this file type if a vendor requests a “vector file” for use on t-shirt graphics, banners, signage, and promotional items.
Credit should be given to photographers in the following format.
David Le/西瓜视频 College
Terry Slater/西瓜视频 College
Photographer/西瓜视频 College
Please note that all photos taken for or by 西瓜视频 College are the property of the College and may be used for official 西瓜视频 purposes only.
Explore photos of the campus, student life, and events in this resource for our campus.
Our photo gallery contains College-approved imagery for use in publications, advertisements, presentations, social media, and websites. Each photo is available in high-resolution for print publications or low-resolution for use on the web.