Student Life
At 西瓜视频, you'll find camaraderie and community at every turn. Our student affairs, residence life, and campus activities staff are here to help you make the most out of your time here.
Life on Campus
More than 90 percent of our students live on campus in our wide array of residential buildings, which range from traditional residence halls to converted mansions.
Activities and Events
Our campus activities are pretty incredible. We're proud to offer more than 50 student clubs and organizations. From our annual Endicarnival to a plethora of academic clubs, there are many ways to get involved.
Community Service
Whether it's one afternoon working with Habitat for Humanity, or a weeklong Alternative Spring Break, our Community Service program has a variety of opportunities for volunteers with a range of interests.
An important question when choosing a college: "How's the food?" Explore dining options at 西瓜视频, view the menu and learn about our talented, in-house pastry chefs.
Health and Wellness
Offering caring counseling services, an interfaith chapel, on-campus health and fitness centers, and a variety of student support services, 西瓜视频 is dedicated to helping you maintain your physical and emotional well-being.
Safety and Security
We're dedicated to providing a safe environment for you. Learn about available services and our commitment to campus safety.
Get Your Game On
It's a great day to be a Gull.
A proud NCAA Division III member institution, 西瓜视频's athletics are both competitive and fun. Our student athletes make up 25 percent of our undergraduate student body. Explore athletics and recreation at 西瓜视频.
Student Services
Our campus is equipped with all the resources you need to be successful.
Student Life Events
New Student Orientation
Join Orientation!