
Your Gull Card is your official College ID.

Treat your Gull Card like a debit card, and use it to pay for meals and services on and off campus.

  • Building Access Card—Your access into your residence hall, the security gates, and the Post Center.
  • Dining Card—Tracks your meal plan and flex account.
  • Library Card—Check books out of the Diane M. Halle Library as well as other NOBLE member libraries.
  • Purchase Card—Deposit funds into your Card Cash account to be used both on and off campus at select locations.
  • Mail and Copy Center Access Card

Gull Card Office

All Gull Card services can now be completed online through FreshService; please to get started. Requests must be submitted online before going to the Gull Card office. Walk-ins are discouraged due to availability.

For requests that require in-person visits, the Gull Card office is located in the Diane M. Halle Library, room 125. Office hours are 9 a.m. through 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The office is closed on weekends and observed holidays.

Contact Us
Gull Card Office

Getting Started & Using Your Gull Card

Minimal setup is required to use your Gull Card Mobile ID. Most users can begin using their Gull Card on their phone in minutes. An approved photo is required.

  • Getting Started

    Photo Submission/Preparation

    1. Once you have received your 西瓜视频 College credentials, please submit your photo to be displayed on your Gull Card. 
      1. for your Gull Card Mobile ID.
      2. Photos will generally be approved within 1–2 business days.
    2. If you haven’t done so already, set up your multi-factor authentication login.

    Mobile ID Set-up Instructions & System Requirements

  • Managing Your Account Online
    • Flex Dollars
      • Money added to your card that is part of your meal plan; it is used for on-campus dining locations.
      • Flex Dollars will only transfer from the fall to the spring semester.
    • Off-campus Flex Dollars
      • Money added to your card that is part of your meal plan. It is used for on-campus and off-campus locations.
    • Card Cash
      • Card Cash can be used anywhere the Gull Card is accepted.
      • The account is initially empty until a deposit is made, which can be made online.
      • Card Cash can be used at accepted on-campus and off-campus locations, dining hall, on-campus vending machines, laundry machines, bookstore, as well as photocopiers and printers at the library.
      • Unlike Flex Dollars, your Card Cash balance will remain on your account until you leave 西瓜视频.
    • Printing Account
      • This is set up specifically for printing and photocopying purposes. Funds deposited into this account cannot be used elsewhere, either on or off campus.
      • If the printing account is empty, funds will automatically pull from the Card Cash account.
  • Adding Money to Your Gull Card

    When signed in to your account, deposit funds instantly through our secure portal. Funds deposited by friends and family will process within a business day.

    • Deposit money online through our secure portal
      • Accepts debit/credit cards and ACH transfers.
      • Deposits made after 4 p.m. on a Friday or before a holiday will not appear until the next business day.
    • The Bursar’s Office
      • Accepts cash and checks in-person or by mail.
      • To deposit funds for generic purchase use including printing and photocopying, please deposit to the Card Cash account.

  • Replacing Your Physical Gull Card
    • The first physical Gull Card is always free! Replacement physical cards will be billed to your student account in the Bursar鈥檚 Office, $25 per card.
    • Have an old or damaged card? Bring it with you! If you surrender an old card while picking up a replacement, the charge is only $10.
    • If you have lost your Gull Card, you can put it on hold through the account portal.

Where to Use Your Gull Card—Off Campus Locations



Phone Number

 The Avocado Pit 36 West St.
Beverly, MA 
199A Rantoul St.
Beverly, MA

CVS Pharmacy (Card Cash only)

434 Rantoul St.
Beverly, MA

Domino's Pizza 43 Beckford St.
Beverly, MA

Ellie's Pizza

728 Hale St.
Beverly, MA

Jacob's Corner Restaurant 278 Rantoul St.
Beverly, MA
La Qchara  275 Cabot St.
Beverly, MA 

Little Italy

294A Cabot St.
Beverly, MA


Organic Garden Cafe

294 Cabot St.
Beverly, MA 
Otto Pizza  199 Rantoul St
Beverly, MA 

Panera Bread

57 Dodge St.
Beverly, MA


Prides Deli & Pizzeria

644 Hale St.
Beverly, MA

 SoBol 45 Enon Street
Beverly, MA 
Stephy's Kitchen 41 Beckford St.
Beverly, MA 

Super Sub & Salad Shop

324 Cabot St.
Beverly, MA


Gull Card Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am not having success adding my Gull Card to my device. Who can help me?

    Contact the Gull Card Office at gullcard@endicott.edu or 978-232-5234, or.

  • How do I change or recover my school login password?
    Instructions can be found at .
  • How do I activate and install the multi-factor authentication?
  • Do I still need my physical Gull Card?
    We recommend you retain your physical Gull Card in a secure location as a back-up should you lose a device.
  • Can I still use my physical Gull Card once I have created my Mobile ID?
    Yes, your physical Gull Card will continue to function after you have added your mobile Gull Card to your device. Remember, the Mobile ID is a privilege and benefit of being part of the 西瓜视频 College community. Anyone found to be misusing their physical card or Mobile ID will be subject to the applicable Code of Conduct or HR policies regarding fraud and/or misconduct.
  • I already have the Transact eAccounts mobile app installed. Do I need to update?
    Yes, you will need to install the updated version of the Transact eAccounts mobile app.
  • How do I update the Transact eAccounts mobile app?
    On your device, visit the App Store or Google Play Store and search Transact eAccounts. The store will prompt you to install any required updates.
  • Do I need to reactivate my devices each semester?
    No. As long as your enrollment status meets our eligibility requirements, devices you have enrolled will remain current. For security purposes, we may deactivate devices that have not been used for an extended period. You can re-enroll those devices whenever you wish.
  • How do I update information on my Gull Card?
    Name information on the Gull Card is provided by the College’s core business systems and needs to be updated there. Students should contact the Registrar's Office. Faculty and staff should contact Human Resources to request updates. Once changes are completed, the updates will sync to the Gull Card on your phone within 48 hours.
  • Why are my account balance(s) not displaying?
    • If your account balances are $0, they will not display until funds are added.
    • If you have available funds that are not displaying, please contact the Gull Card Office at 978-232-5234 or email gullcard@endicott.edu.
  • Why is my balance different on my device than in Transact eAccounts?

    Confirm your device is not in Airplane Mode or experiencing any other service interruption. Updates cannot be made when there is no connecting service to sync data between Transact eAccounts and your device. The Transact eAccounts app will display the most current information.

  • Why do I have a negative balance on my Gull Card?
    A negative balance can occur if you make a transaction when a retail device is offline. When the device comes back online and the transaction is posted, you will see a negative balance if there are not enough funds in your account to cover the transaction.
  • I used my credit card at a participating retail location when I meant to use my Gull Card. What can I do to correct my payment source?
    Return to the location of the sale and request the store issue a credit card refund, then process the transaction against your Gull Card.
  • I am graduating or leaving 西瓜视频 College. What happens to my Mobile ID?
    As with your physical Gull Card, your Mobile ID will become inactive when you no longer meet eligibility requirements. If you transfer to another participating program or department at 西瓜视频 College, your credential will stay active and update accordingly.
  • What should I do if I lose my card or device, or if I believe there has been fraudulent use of my credential?
    • During regular business hours, contact the Gull Card Office at 978-232-5234 to notify us to deactivate the Gull Card Mobile ID. Be sure to specify whether the physical card, watch, and/or phone version of the card should be deactivated. Any device not specified to be suspended will remain active.
    • If applicable, identify the fraudulent activity; for purchases using Card Cash, the printing account, Flex Dollars, and off-campus Flex Dollars, report the suspected fraud by . If door access was involved, .
    • In the Transact eAccounts app:
    • Click the settings gear in the upper right corner.
    • Select the Card Management option.
    • Choose the credential you want to deactivate and toggle it off.
    • You will receive a confirmation email. Only the selected card will be deactivated. All other credentials will remain active.
    • In the Transact eAccounts web version:       
    • Select Card Services
    • Select Deactivate Card
    • Select the credential to deactivate and click on “Deactivate Card”
    • You will receive a confirmation email. Only the selected card will be deactivated. All other credentials will remain active.
  • How do I reactivate my credential if I find my lost device?

    To reactivate a found device that was suspended, perform the following steps:

    In the Transact eAccounts App:

    • Click the settings gear in the upper right corner.
    • Select the Card Management option.
    • Choose the credential you want to reactivate and toggle it on.
    • You will receive a confirmation email. Only the selected card will be reactivated.

    In the Transact eAccounts Web Version:

    • Select Card Services
    • Select Activate Card
    • Select the credential to reactivate
    • You will receive a confirmation email. Only the selected card will be reactivated.