These subjects provide opportunity to explore your interests and customize your own path of study.
Considering a minor?
Minors must be outside of your major and concentration. Up to two courses which have been prescribed by your major into your General Education requirements may be counted towards a minor. The minimum number of credits for a minor is 18. Core requirements, as designated by the Î÷¹ÏÊÓƵ College Catalog, and free electives may be used to satisfy the minor requirements.
Double Minors Policy
You may have two minors. In order to complete a second minor, courses used to fulfill the requirements of the first minor may not be used to meet the requirements of the second minor. Depending upon the major, you may not be able to complete the requirements of the minors within four years or within the minimum number of credits for your degree.
Available Minors in the School of Social Sciences, Communication, and Humanities.
American Studies
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Additional courses:
Five AMS courses, two of which must be at the 300 level or above. AMS courses include any course with an AMS designation as well as the following:
ART 308Ìý-ÌýArt in American Culture (Cr: 3)
ART 320Ìý-ÌýNative American Art: Beyond Tradition (Cr: 3)
ENG 224Ìý-ÌýJustice and Injustice in American Literature (Cr: 3)
ENG 240Ìý-ÌýBoston in Literature and Film (Cr: 3)
ENG 310Ìý-ÌýModern American Poetry (Cr: 3)
ENG 337Ìý-ÌýAmerican Indian Literature (Cr: 3)
HST 225Ìý-ÌýThe Salem Witch Trials (Cr: 3)
HST 227Ìý-ÌýBoston History (Cr: 3)
HST 229Ìý-ÌýThe American West (Cr: 3)
HST 230Ìý-ÌýAfrican-American History (Cr: 3)
HST 306Ìý-ÌýNew England History (Cr: 3)
HST 317Ìý-ÌýCivil Rights Movement (Cr: 3)
HST 330Ìý-ÌýHistory of Sexuality in the United States (Cr: 3)
HST 340Ìý-ÌýWomen in American History and Culture (Cr: 3)
MUS 219Ìý-ÌýThe Power of Black Music in America (Cr: 3)
MUS 230Ìý-ÌýJazz Styles (Cr: 3)
MUS 240Ìý-ÌýThe Rise of Rock and Roll (Cr: 3)
REL 251Ìý-ÌýReligion in American Life (Cr: 3)
SOC 320Ìý-ÌýRacial and Ethnic Diversity in American Society (Cr: 3)
SM 303Ìý-ÌýSport in Society (Cr: 3)
ART 308Ìý-ÌýArt in American Culture (Cr: 3)
Chinese Studies
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required Courses
CHI 101Ìý-ÌýElementary Chinese I (Cr: 3)
CHI 102Ìý-ÌýElementary Chinese II (Cr: 3)
CHI 201Ìý-ÌýIntermediate Chinese I (Cr: 3)
CHI 202Ìý-ÌýIntermediate Chinese II (Cr: 3)
Additional Required Courses
Students select two from the following courses:
ENG 367Ìý-ÌýEastern Literature and Haiku (Cr: 3)
HST 245Ìý-ÌýThe History of Modern China (Cr: 3)
POL 322Ìý-ÌýChinese Politics and Government (Cr: 3)
REL 245Ìý-ÌýEastern Religions (Cr: 3)
CHI 101Ìý-ÌýElementary Chinese I (Cr: 3)
Program Requirements
Students are required to take 18 credits as follows:
Required Course
Students select one from the following courses:
CMM 100Ìý-ÌýMedia Aesthetics (Cr: 3)
MCA 103Ìý-ÌýAdvertising Fundamentals (Cr: 3)
CMM 115Ìý-ÌýSocial Media: Theory and Practice (Cr: 3)
MCA 203Ìý-ÌýPublic Relations (Cr: 3)
DM 110Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Digital Filmmaking (Cr: 3)
DM 111Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Multimedia Narrative (Cr: 3)
DM 230Ìý-ÌýThe Contemporary Television Industry (Cr: 3)
Additional Required Course
Students select one from the following courses:
CMM 106Ìý-ÌýMedia and Culture I (Cr: 3)
CMM 107Ìý-ÌýMedia and Culture II (Cr: 3)
Additional Courses
Students select three from the following courses:
CMM 306Ìý-ÌýSocial Impact of the Media (Cr: 3)
CMM 315Ìý-ÌýGlobal Mass Communication (Cr: 3)
MCA 335Ìý-ÌýSocial Media and Marketing (Cr: 3)
CMM 345Ìý-ÌýMedia and Cultural Studies (Cr: 3)
CMM 372Ìý-ÌýDocumentary Modes (Cr: 3)
CMM 380Ìý-ÌýMedia Ethics (Cr: 3)
CMM 400Ìý-ÌýContemporary Explorations in Communication (Cr: 3)
DM 281Ìý-ÌýTV Studio Production I (Cr: 3)
DM 300Ìý-ÌýContemporary Issues in Journalism (Cr: 3)
DM 338Ìý-ÌýFeature Writing (Cr: 3)
DM 360Ìý-ÌýPodcast and Radio Journalism (Cr: 3)
Choose One Elective
- Communication ElectiveÌý (Cr: 3)Ìý
- Digital Media ElectiveÌý (Cr: 3)
CMM 100Ìý-ÌýMedia Aesthetics (Cr: 3)
Creative Writing
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required course:
ENG 108Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Creative Writing (Cr: 3)
Additional courses:
Students select five from the following courses, at least two of which must be at the 300 level or above:
CMM 207Ìý-ÌýWriting for Media (Cr: 3)
DM 211Ìý-ÌýFundamentals of Journalism (Cr: 3)
DM 255Ìý-ÌýWriting for the Screen (Cr: 3)
DM 338Ìý-ÌýFeature Writing (Cr: 3)
ENG 207Ìý-ÌýWriting Your Story (Cr: 3)
ENG 208Ìý-ÌýWriting Poetry I (Cr: 3)
ENG 209Ìý-ÌýWriting Short Fiction I (Cr: 3)
ENG 228Ìý-ÌýWriting the Novel I (Cr: 3)
ENG 229Ìý-ÌýPlaywriting and Screenwriting I (Cr: 3)
ENG 232Ìý-ÌýFlash Fiction (Cr: 3)
ENG 305Ìý-ÌýWriting for Inquiry (Cr: 3)
ENG 307Ìý-ÌýTelling True Stories (Cr: 3)
ENG 308Ìý-ÌýWriting Poetry II (Cr: 3)
ENG 309Ìý-ÌýWriting Short Fiction II (Cr: 3)
ENG 328Ìý-ÌýWriting the Novel II (Cr: 3)
ENG 336Ìý-ÌýNature Writing (Cr: 3)
ENG 340Ìý-ÌýPlaywriting and Screenwriting II (Cr: 3)
ENG 108Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Creative Writing (Cr: 3)
Criminal Justice
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required Courses
CJ 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Criminal Justice (Cr: 3)
CJ 200Ìý-ÌýCriminology (Cr: 3)
Additional Required Courses
Students select two from the following courses:
CJ 151Ìý-ÌýCriminal Law (Cr: 3)
CJ 205Ìý-ÌýAmerican Court System (Cr: 3)
CJ 210Ìý-ÌýPolice Process (Cr: 3)
CJ 215Ìý-ÌýCorrections (Cr: 3)
Additional Courses
Students select two criminal justice electives at the 300 level or above. Criminal Justice electives include any course with a CJ designation and:
POL 343Ìý-ÌýConstitutional Law (Cr: 3)
POL 430Ìý-ÌýHuman Rights (Cr: 3)
CJ 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Criminal Justice (Cr: 3)
Digital Journalism
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required Courses
DM 211Ìý-ÌýFundamentals of Journalism (Cr: 3)
DM 381Ìý-ÌýDigital Media Law and Ethics (Cr: 3)
Additional Required Course
Students selectÌýfour Ìýfrom the following courses. Two of which must be at the 300 level or above.Ìý
DM 225Ìý-ÌýSports Journalism (Cr: 3)
DM 226Ìý-ÌýNewsroom (Cr: 3)
DM 227Ìý-ÌýMultimedia Journalism (Cr: 3)
DM 260Ìý-ÌýBroadcast Journalism (Cr: 3)
DM 300Ìý-ÌýContemporary Issues in Journalism (Cr: 3)
DM 322Ìý-ÌýVoice and Articulation (Cr: 3)
DM 325Ìý-ÌýPolitics, People & The Press (Cr: 3)
DM 330Ìý-ÌýReporting on Public Health Issues (Cr: 3)
DM 338Ìý-ÌýFeature Writing (Cr: 3)
DM 350Ìý-ÌýData Journalism (Cr: 3)
DM 360Ìý-ÌýPodcast and Radio Journalism (Cr: 3)
DM 211Ìý-ÌýFundamentals of Journalism (Cr: 3)
Program Requirements
StudentsÌýare required to takeÌýa minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required course:
ENG 102Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Literary Studies (Cr: 3)
Additional courses:
Five English courses, three of which must be at the 300 level or above.Ìý (Cr. 15)
ENG 102Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Literary Studies (Cr: 3)
Gender Studies
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required courses:
IDS 121Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Gender Studies (Cr: 3)
Additional Courses
ÌýStudents select four of the following courses:
ART 315Ìý-ÌýWomen and the Arts (Cr: 3)
BIO 101Ìý-ÌýHuman Biology (Cr: 3)
CMM 306Ìý-ÌýSocial Impact of the Media (Cr: 3)
CMM 363Ìý-ÌýWomen in Media (Cr: 3)
ENG 230Ìý-ÌýRebels and Misfits (Cr: 3)
ENG 315Ìý-ÌýWomen Writers (Cr: 3)
HST 330Ìý-ÌýHistory of Sexuality in the United States (Cr: 3)
HST 340Ìý-ÌýWomen in American History and Culture (Cr: 3)
IDS 210Ìý-ÌýGender and Science (Cr: 3)
IDS 211Ìý-ÌýDiscourses of Masculinity (Cr: 3)
IDS 320Ìý-ÌýFeminist Theory (Cr: 3)
NU 313/313LÌý-ÌýCare of Childbearing Families (Cr: 5)
POL 310Ìý-ÌýGender and Politics (Cr: 3)
PSY 304Ìý-ÌýPsychology of Gender (Cr: 3)
PSY 325Ìý-ÌýHuman Sexuality (Cr: 3)
SM 303Ìý-ÌýSport in Society (Cr: 3)
SOC 101Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Sociology (Cr: 3)
SOC 302Ìý-ÌýSocial Problems (Cr: 3)
IDS 121Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Gender Studies (Cr: 3)
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required Course
HST 201Ìý-ÌýContemporary Approaches to History (Cr: 3)
Additional Courses
Five history courses, two of which must be at the 300 level or above.Ìý (Cr. 15)
History courses include any course with an HST designation and REL 251 Religion in American Life.
HST 201Ìý-ÌýContemporary Approaches to History (Cr: 3)
Human Services
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required Courses:
HMS 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Human Services (Cr: 3)
HMS 310Ìý-ÌýCrisis Intervention (Cr: 3)
Additional Courses:
ÌýStudents may select only one CJ course to complete the minor.
Choose two from the macro level:
CJ 241Ìý-ÌýVictimology (Cr: 3)
CJ 320Ìý-ÌýCommunity Corrections (Cr: 3)
HMS 187Ìý-ÌýMozambique Service Project (Offered in Spain) (Cr: 2)
POL 305Ìý-ÌýSocial Policy (Cr: 3)
HMS 306Ìý-ÌýVictimization of the Elderly (Cr: 3)
HMS 330Ìý-ÌýNon-Profits for Social Change: Philanthropy in Action (Cr: 3)
HMS 387Ìý-ÌýCosta Rican Culture and Community Service Project (Cr: 3)
SOC 215Ìý-ÌýThe Family (Cr: 3)
SOC 230Ìý-ÌýDeath and Dying (Cr: 3)
Choose two from the micro level:
CJ 341Ìý-ÌýDomestic Violence (Cr: 3)
HMS 300Ìý-ÌýContemporary Issues in Human Services (Cr: 3)
HMS 306Ìý-ÌýVictimization of the Elderly (Cr: 3)
HMS 324Ìý-ÌýAddictive Behaviors (Cr: 3)
HMS 327Ìý-ÌýThe Victimization of Children (Cr: 3)
HMS 357Ìý-ÌýWorkplace and School Violence (Cr: 3)
HMS 440Ìý-ÌýUnderstanding and Treating Sexual Trauma: Theory, Research and Practice (Cr: 3)
PSY 335Ìý-ÌýTheories of Counseling (Cr: 3)
PSY 435Ìý-ÌýGroup Therapy: Theory and Practice (Cr: 3)
HMS 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Human Services (Cr: 3)
International Studies
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required Courses
Internship / Study Abroad Experience
Students minoring in international studies are encouraged to study abroad. Those who do so may meet some of the minor's requirements in their study abroad program.
IDS 110Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to International Studies (Cr: 3)
IDS 316Ìý-ÌýIntercultural Communication (Cr: 3)
IDS 325Ìý-ÌýWorld Geography (Cr: 3)
Additional required courses
Students select three from the list ofÌýcourses below or any course with an IST prefix:
ART 100Ìý-ÌýArt and World Culture (Cr: 3)
BIO 242Ìý-ÌýWorld Disease (Cr: 3)
BUS 303Ìý-ÌýInternational Business (Cr: 3)
CJ 354Ìý-ÌýInternational Justice (Cr: 3)
ENG 213Ìý-ÌýEarly British Literature (Cr: 3)
ENG 214Ìý-ÌýBritish Literature: 18th Century to Present (Cr: 3)
ENG 222Ìý-ÌýModern Irish History and Literature (Cr: 3)
ENG 314Ìý-ÌýEarly World Literature (Cr: 3)
ENG 316Ìý-ÌýWorld Literature: 18th Century to Present (Cr: 3)
ENG 367Ìý-ÌýEastern Literature and Haiku (Cr: 3)
HST 110Ìý-ÌýWorld History I (Cr: 3)
HST 111Ìý-ÌýWorld History II (Cr: 3)
HST 218Ìý-ÌýTopics in World History (Cr: 3)
HST 217Ìý-ÌýImmigrants and Refugees in World and United States History (Cr: 3)
(Previously IST217)
HST 220Ìý-ÌýAfrican History (Cr: 3)
HST 222Ìý-ÌýModern Irish History and Literature (Cr: 3)
HST 232Ìý-ÌýModern European History (Cr: 3)
HST 245Ìý-ÌýThe History of Modern China (Cr: 3)
HST 260Ìý-ÌýModern Latin American History and Culture (Cr: 3)
HST 280Ìý-ÌýMiddle East History (Cr: 3)
HST 302Ìý-ÌýRussia: From Revolution to the Post-Soviet Era (Cr: 3)
HST 310Ìý-ÌýEconomies and Peoples (Cr: 3)
HTM 320Ìý-ÌýThe Cultural History of Food (Cr: 3)
PHL 220Ìý-ÌýIdeas, Culture, and Social Thought (Cr: 3)
POL 110Ìý-ÌýWorld Politics (Cr: 3)
POL 220Ìý-ÌýComparative Political Models (Cr: 3)
POL 240Ìý-ÌýAmerican Foreign Policy (Cr: 3)
(Previously IST240)
POL 312Ìý-ÌýGreat Power Politics (Cr: 3)
POL 382Ìý-ÌýEnvironmental Law and Politics (Cr: 3)
POL 430Ìý-ÌýHuman Rights (Cr: 3)
REL 104Ìý-ÌýWorld Religions (Cr: 3)
REL 245Ìý-ÌýEastern Religions (Cr: 3)
REL 252Ìý-ÌýReligion and Politics in the Contemporary World (Cr: 3)
REL 270Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Islam (Cr: 3)
SP 205Ìý-ÌýSpain: Art, History, and Culture (Cr: 3)
SP 211Ìý-ÌýContemporary Spain (Offered in Spain) (Cr: 3)
SP 307Ìý-ÌýSpanish Culture and Civilization (Offered in Spain) (Cr: 3)
SP 310Ìý-ÌýThe Cinema of Spain (Offered in Spain) (Cr: 3)
SP 322Ìý-ÌýLatin American Short Fiction (Cr: 3)
SP 331Ìý-ÌýCinema of Latin America (Cr: 3)
SST 301Ìý-ÌýTerrorism Studies (Cr: 3)
In addition, two semesters of a world language and study abroad experience are highly recommended.
IDS 110Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to International Studies (Cr: 3)
Legal Studies
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required courses:
CJ 410Ìý-ÌýLaw and Society (Cr: 3)
POL 113Ìý-ÌýAmerican Government and Politics (Cr: 3)
Additional courses
Students select four from the following courses:
BUS 302Ìý-ÌýLegal Environment for Business Including the UCC (Cr: 3)
CJ 151Ìý-ÌýCriminal Law (Cr: 3)
CJ 205Ìý-ÌýAmerican Court System (Cr: 3)
CJ 300Ìý-ÌýJuvenile Justice System (Cr: 3)
CJ 301Ìý-ÌýCriminal Procedure (Cr: 3)
CMM 380Ìý-ÌýMedia Ethics (Cr: 3)
HST 225Ìý-ÌýThe Salem Witch Trials (Cr: 3)
POL 382Ìý-ÌýEnvironmental Law and Politics (Cr: 3)
SM 405Ìý-ÌýSport Law (Cr: 3)
CJ 410Ìý-ÌýLaw and Society (Cr: 3)
Peace and Conflict Studies
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required Courses
IST 112Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Peace Studies (Cr: 3)
LST 212Ìý-ÌýConflict Resolution (Cr: 3)
Additional Courses
Students select fourÌýfrom the the following courses:
BIO 242Ìý-ÌýWorld Disease (Cr: 3)
HMS 330Ìý-ÌýNon-Profits for Social Change: Philanthropy in Action (Cr: 3)
HST 310Ìý-ÌýEconomies and Peoples (Cr: 3)
HST 317Ìý-ÌýCivil Rights Movement (Cr: 3)
IST 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to International Studies (Cr: 3)
IST 280Ìý-ÌýGlobal Political Economy (Cr: 3)
IST 315Ìý-ÌýIntercultural Communication (Cr: 3)
IST 325Ìý-ÌýWorld Geography (Cr: 3)
POL 110Ìý-ÌýWorld Politics (Cr: 3)
POL 240Ìý-ÌýAmerican Foreign Policy (Cr: 3)
POL 430Ìý-ÌýHuman Rights (Cr: 3)
REL 104Ìý-ÌýWorld Religions (Cr: 3)
REL 252Ìý-ÌýReligion and Politics in the Contemporary World (Cr: 3)
SOC 320Ìý-ÌýRacial and Ethnic Diversity in American Society (Cr: 3)
IST 112Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Peace Studies (Cr: 3)
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows, at least two of which must be at the 300 level or above:
Required courses
Students selectÌýone from the following courses:
PHL 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Philosophy (Cr: 3)
PHL 104Ìý-ÌýEthics (Cr: 3)
Additional courses
Students select two from the following courses:
PHL 217Ìý-ÌýAncient and Medieval Philosophy (Cr: 3)
PHL 145Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Modern Philosophy (Cr: 3)
PHL 240Ìý-ÌýContemporary Philosophy (Cr: 3)
Students select three from the following courses:
Selections must not overlap with courses selected from the lists above.
IDS 255Ìý-ÌýBeauty, Infinity and Knowledge (Cr: 3)
PHL 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Philosophy (Cr: 3)
PHL 104Ìý-ÌýEthics (Cr: 3)
PHL 217Ìý-ÌýAncient and Medieval Philosophy (Cr: 3)
PHL 220Ìý-ÌýIdeas, Culture, and Social Thought (Cr: 3)
PHL 240Ìý-ÌýContemporary Philosophy (Cr: 3)
PHL 145Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Modern Philosophy (Cr: 3)
PHL 310Ìý-ÌýBioethics (Cr: 3)
PHL 332Ìý-ÌýReligion and Its Critics: Studies in Philosophy of Religion (Cr: 3)
REL 245Ìý-ÌýEastern Religions (Cr: 3)
SM 218Ìý-ÌýPhilosophy and Sport (Cr: 3)
PHL 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Philosophy (Cr: 3)
Political Science
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required Courses (3 credits)
- POL 3XX (300-level POL Course) (Cr. 3)
- POL XXX (Any POL Course) (Cr. 3)
POL 113Ìý-ÌýAmerican Government and Politics (Cr: 3)
Additional Courses (15 Credits)
Students select five coursesÌýfrom the following, two of which must be at the 300 level or above.Ìý
- POL XXX (Any POL Course)Ìý(Cr: 3)Ìý
CJ 355Ìý-ÌýRace and Justice (Cr: 3)
CJ 410Ìý-ÌýLaw and Society (Cr: 3)
HST 310Ìý-ÌýEconomies and Peoples (Cr: 3)
HST 317Ìý-ÌýCivil Rights Movement (Cr: 3)
IDS 316Ìý-ÌýIntercultural Communication (Cr: 3)
REL 252Ìý-ÌýReligion and Politics in the Contemporary World (Cr: 3)
SST 301Ìý-ÌýTerrorism Studies (Cr: 3)
Professional Writing
Program Requirements
ÌýStudents are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required Courses
ENG 110Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Professional Writing (Cr: 3)
ENG 218Ìý-ÌýArgument Based Writing (Cr: 3)
English majors will need to substitute a professional writing elective for ENG 218.
Additional Courses
Students select four electives from the following list, two of which must be at the 300-level
ART 266Ìý-ÌýWriting in the Arts Seminar (Cr: 3)
BUS 270Ìý-ÌýCommunicating in Business (Cr: 3)
MCA 204Ìý-ÌýPromotional Writing and Editing (Cr: 3)
CMM 207Ìý-ÌýWriting for Media (Cr: 3)
DM 211Ìý-ÌýFundamentals of Journalism (Cr: 3)
DM 338Ìý-ÌýFeature Writing (Cr: 3)
ENG 103Ìý-ÌýPublic Speaking (Cr: 3)
ENG 207Ìý-ÌýWriting Your Story (Cr: 3)
ENG 219Ìý-ÌýFundamentals of Editing (Cr: 3)
ENG 229Ìý-ÌýPlaywriting and Screenwriting I (Cr: 3)
ENG 250Ìý-ÌýProposal and Grant Writing (Cr: 3)
ENG 305Ìý-ÌýWriting for Inquiry (Cr: 3)
ENG 307Ìý-ÌýTelling True Stories (Cr: 3)
ENG 340Ìý-ÌýPlaywriting and Screenwriting II (Cr: 3)
HTM 374Ìý-ÌýHospitality Organizational Behavior (Cr: 3)
IDS 316Ìý-ÌýIntercultural Communication (Cr: 3)
SM 225Ìý-ÌýSport and the Media (Cr: 3)
SM 350Ìý-ÌýThe Sport Enterprise (Cr: 3)
ENG 110Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Professional Writing (Cr: 3)
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits.
Required course
PSY 100Ìý-ÌýGeneral Psychology (Cr: 3)
Additional courses
Five psychology courses, three of which must be at the 300 level or above.
PSY 100Ìý-ÌýGeneral Psychology (Cr: 3)
Religious Studies
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required Courses
PHL 332Ìý-ÌýReligion and Its Critics: Studies in Philosophy of Religion (Cr: 3)
REL 104Ìý-ÌýWorld Religions (Cr: 3)
Additional Courses
ÌýStudents select one from the following courses:.
REL 245Ìý-ÌýEastern Religions (Cr: 3)
Students select three from the following courses:
These can include any REL course or from the following list:
ART 100Ìý-ÌýArt and World Culture (Cr: 3)
ENG 367Ìý-ÌýEastern Literature and Haiku (Cr: 3)
HMS 330Ìý-ÌýNon-Profits for Social Change: Philanthropy in Action (Cr: 3)
PHL 217Ìý-ÌýAncient and Medieval Philosophy (Cr: 3)
PSY 360Ìý-ÌýPsychology of Spirituality (Cr: 3)
PHL 332Ìý-ÌýReligion and Its Critics: Studies in Philosophy of Religion (Cr: 3)
Security Studies
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required Courses
SST 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Contemporary U.S. Security Studies (Cr: 3)
SST 201Ìý-ÌýGlobal Risk: Assessing and Managing Transnational Threats (Cr: 3)
Additional Courses
Students select four courses from three disciplines. Security studies courses include any course with an SST designation and:
CJ 230Ìý-ÌýTechnology Applications in Criminal Justice (Cr: 3)
CJ 354Ìý-ÌýInternational Justice (Cr: 3)
CSC 230Ìý-ÌýCyber Threats and Security (Cr: 3)
ENV 216Ìý-ÌýNatural Disasters and Catastrophes (Cr: 3)
HMS 310Ìý-ÌýCrisis Intervention (Cr: 3)
HST 245Ìý-ÌýThe History of Modern China (Cr: 3)
HST 260Ìý-ÌýModern Latin American History and Culture (Cr: 3)
HST 280Ìý-ÌýMiddle East History (Cr: 3)
HST 302Ìý-ÌýRussia: From Revolution to the Post-Soviet Era (Cr: 3)
IDS 112Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Peace Studies (Cr: 3)
POL 216Ìý-ÌýInternational Conflicts (Cr: 3)
POL 110Ìý-ÌýWorld Politics (Cr: 3)
POL 240Ìý-ÌýAmerican Foreign Policy (Cr: 3)
POL 260Ìý-ÌýIdentity Politics (Cr: 3)
POL 430Ìý-ÌýHuman Rights (Cr: 3)
PSY 207Ìý-ÌýSocial Psychology (Cr: 3)
SOC 302Ìý-ÌýSocial Problems (Cr: 3)
A world language course is also recommended.
SST 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Contemporary U.S. Security Studies (Cr: 3)
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required Course
SOC 101Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Sociology (Cr: 3)
Additional Courses
Students select five courses including three courses with a SOC designation and two from the following list:
CJ 200Ìý-ÌýCriminology (Cr: 3)
CJ 355Ìý-ÌýRace and Justice (Cr: 3)
CJ 410Ìý-ÌýLaw and Society (Cr: 3)
CMM 306Ìý-ÌýSocial Impact of the Media (Cr: 3)
HMS 327Ìý-ÌýThe Victimization of Children (Cr: 3)
HMS 357Ìý-ÌýWorkplace and School Violence (Cr: 3)
POL 216Ìý-ÌýInternational Conflicts (Cr: 3)
POL 305Ìý-ÌýSocial Policy (Cr: 3)
PSY 207Ìý-ÌýSocial Psychology (Cr: 3)
PSY 235Ìý-ÌýStatistical Methods in the Social Sciences (Cr: 3)
PSY 236Ìý-ÌýResearch Methods (Cr: 3)
SOC 101Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Sociology (Cr: 3)
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits.
Six Spanish courses, two of which must be at the 300 level or above.
Program Requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of 18 credits as follows:
Required Course
CJ 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Criminal Justice (Cr: 3)
HMS 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Human Services (Cr: 3)
Additional Courses
Students select five from the following courses:
CJ 241Ìý-ÌýVictimology (Cr: 3)
Required unless part of student's major requirements.
CJ 341Ìý-ÌýDomestic Violence (Cr: 3)
HMS 306Ìý-ÌýVictimization of the Elderly (Cr: 3)
HMS 310Ìý-ÌýCrisis Intervention (Cr: 3)
HMS 327Ìý-ÌýThe Victimization of Children (Cr: 3)
HMS 357Ìý-ÌýWorkplace and School Violence (Cr: 3)
HMS 440Ìý-ÌýUnderstanding and Treating Sexual Trauma: Theory, Research and Practice (Cr: 3)
POL 430Ìý-ÌýHuman Rights (Cr: 3)
PSY 335Ìý-ÌýTheories of Counseling (Cr: 3)
CJ 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Criminal Justice (Cr: 3)