A graduate of University's interdisciplinary ILA program, Michael Kilburn is a Professor of Politics and International Studies. Research interests include human rights, political culture and cultural politics, Central Europe, geography, and oral history.
Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Doctor of Philosophy
May 2001
Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Master of Arts
December 1998
St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB, Canada
Bachelor of Arts (honors)
May 1988
Title: The Merry Ghetto: The Czech Underground in the time of Normalization.
This dissertation critically examines the relation between political theory, cultural practice, social critique, and moral philosophy in late socialist Czechoslovakia. During the time of severe ideological and police repression following the Warsaw Pact invasion of 1968, a small group of artists, musicians, and social theorists determined to construct an authentic "second culture" independent of political and moral concession. In a context of political overdetermination and widespread cynicism, this quixotic "temporary autonomous zone" had a significant influence beyond the modest sphere of its activities, particularly on the formation of the human rights initiative, Charter 77. The way this Underground culture strove " and the ways it failed " to maintain its distance from an aggressively ideological state is relevant to the practice of democracy and the functioning of civil society in the postcommunist East and the postmodern West alike.
Director: Dr. Angelika Bammer, Emory University.
Campus Involvement
Faculty adviser to Political Science Honors Society, Pi Sigma Alpha
International Committee
Academic Policy Committee
Teaching and Research Interests:
Political theory and practice (US and world)
Human Rights and Victimology
Oral History & Narratology
Central and East European politics, history, and culture
Soviet, Post-Soviet, Postcolonial, and transition studies
Cold war politics and culture
Music, visual culture, and politics
World Geography
POL 100 Introduction to politics
POL 430 Human Rights
POL 315 American Political Thought
IST 325 World Geography
IST 100 Introduction to International Studies
IED 573 Masters in International Education reflective seminar
西瓜视频 College Community of Learners grant: Human Rights and Politics (2012)
西瓜视频 Community of Learners Grant: Sustainability (2012)
Whiting fellowship for professional development (2008)
Wrote successful application for a Fulbright Scholar-in-*"First Year Seminar," 2001- present, 西瓜视频 College
Residence (2005)
Co-wrote 4 successful MA College Compact mini-grants (2004)
Co-wrote 2 successful MA College Compact grants (2003)
Highest level merit for teaching, scholarship & academic service [2001-2006]
IREX Individual Advanced Dissertation Research fellowship (1999)
ILA teaching fellowship, Emory University (1997/98)
FLAS fellowship for intensive language study, Charles University, Prague (1997)
FLAS academic year fellowship, Emory University (1996/97)
FLAS fellowship for intensive language study, Norwich University, VT (1995)
"American Political Thought," 2001- present, 西瓜视频 College
"American Government and Politics" 2001- present, 西瓜视频 College
*also developed and taught online section
"Music and the State" 2001-present, 西瓜视频 College
"Capstone/Senior thesis" 2001- present, 西瓜视频 College
"Research Methods," 2001- present, 西瓜视频 College.
"Honors Seminar" 2002- present, 西瓜视频 College
"Senior Seminar," 2002- present, 西瓜视频 College
*"Human Rights" 2002- present, 西瓜视频 College
"London internship: study abroad" [Fall 2002 and January 2003)
(As faculty adviser for the 2003 London work/study abroad program, I organized and oversaw all aspects, including the orientation seminar; proofreading and revising resumes and cover letters; assisting the students in finding internships; planning and organizing group activities; safety; transportation; and budget.)
"Introduction to Journalism" 2003- present, 西瓜视频 College
*"Introduction to Global Studies" 2005, 西瓜视频 College
*"Introduction to Politics" 2005, 西瓜视频 College
"Introduction to Sociology" 2005, 西瓜视频 College
*also developed and taught online section
*"World Geography" 2006-present, 西瓜视频 College
*also developed and taught online section
*"Comparative Politics" 2006, 西瓜视频 College
*"Environmental Politics" 2007, 西瓜视频 College
*"Art and politics" (team taught) 2007, 西瓜视频 College
*"American Foreign Policy" (team taught), 2008, 西瓜视频 College
"Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies" 2009, 西瓜视频 College
"Political Theory" 2010, 西瓜视频 College
Masters in International Education reflective seminar (2011-present)
Middle East Today (Learning Community bridge course, team taught) (2012)
*"Moneyball! The American Presidential Election" (Honors seminar; team taught) (2012)
*"Places, Power, and Politics" 2007, Boston Architectural College
*"Visual Culture," spring 2001, Emory University
*"Global Perspectives on Art," fall 1999-fall 2000, Atlanta College of Art.
*"ESL Composition," fall 2000, Atlanta College of Art
"International Student Workshop" (ESL), summer 2000, Atlanta College of Art.
*"The Politics of Identity," spring 1997-fall 1998. Emory University
"Avant-Garde Cinema" (teaching assistant), fall 1995
*Teacher training at Emory included an intensive summer workshop and a departmental seminars in pedagogy
Co-chair of the International Committee of the Oral History Association
Member of editorial board for Oral History Forum d'Histoire Orale, the journal of the Canadian Oral history Association
Grant reviewer for Czech Academy of Sciences
Chair, Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts (ILA) student committee 1996.
Co-chair, ILA student committee, fall 1995
Founder and director, 西瓜视频 Center for Oral History, 2007-present
Sabbatical Committee (2013-2014)
Merit Review Committee (2011-2014)
International Committee (2005-present)
Academic Policy Committee 2005-present (chair, 2005-2008)
Cultural coordinator, adviser, and fixer for the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (2008-12)
Vice president of ECFA (faculty association) 2003-2005
Academic Honesty Committee 2002-2005
Faculty adviser to Pi Sigma Alpha, Political Science honors Society, 2012-present
Faculty adviser to Sigma Iota Rho, International Studies Honors Society, 2009-2013
Faculty adviser for Political Action Committee (student club), 2008-present
Faculty adviser for 西瓜视频 chapter of Amnesty International 2003-2010
Faculty adviser for 西瓜视频 Musicians' Collective, 2001-2007
Faculty adviser for the 西瓜视频 political debate society 2004-2005
Presidential advisory committee, 2001-2002
Curricula & program development in Political Science, History and International Studies, 2003-present
Curriculum and website development at Atlanta College of Art, spring 2000
Oral History Association
International Oral History Association
American Political Science Association
International Studies Association
World Society of Victimology
International Human Rights Education Consortium
Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies
National Education Association
"Professional training on the prevention of mass atrocities" Montreal Institute for Genocide Studies, Concordia University, Montreal (11-13 June 2013)
Human Rights in the Academy, 2 April 2011, Yale University, New Haven CT.
Exploring Humanitarian Law Summer Institute, American Red Cross, Washington DC (Aug 2-5, 2010)
Oral History workshops at the Center for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, Concordia University, Montreal Canada (29 May, 2010)
Oral history workshop with Charles Morrissey at OHA annual meeting, Pittsburgh, PA (15 October 2008)
"Minority Rights" and "ICC" summer schools at the Irish Center for Human Rights, NUI Galway (June 2008) "funded by Whiting fellowship.
CIEE International faculty development seminar: "From Communism to the European Union: a decade of change" Budapest/Prague. (June, 2004)
Summer institute in human rights pedagogy, NB, Canada. (July 2002)
Czech: Summer Prague University, Czech Republic (summer 1997)
Czech: Norwich University, Northfield, VT (summer 1995)
German: Albert Ludwigs Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau, BRD (summer 1985)
French: McGill University, Montreal, PQ, Canada (summer 1984, 1986)
""True patriot love (or the last refuge of scoundrels?): The new new Canadian nationalism." Political Science Association of Ireland 30th anniversary conference, 17-19 October 2014, National University of Ireland, Galway
"The road to hell is paved with good conventions: Anarchism, state sovereignty, and human rights." Enlightened Anarchism. 11-14 September 2014, Lapland University, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Discussant for panel, "Revolution after revolution: Czechoslovak Marxist thought Towards the Concept of Revolution after 1945" Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, annual conference 21-24 November 2013, Boston, MA
Chair and commentator for panel, "Constructing Memory and Narrative through Communities at Risk." Oral History Association annual conference, 9-13 October 2013, Oklahoma City, OK
"Sleeping with an elephant, dancing with a dragon: Canadian foreign policy in a post-Westphalian world." 15th biennial conference on Canadian Studies 21-22 September 2013, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China.
Oral History Forum Histoire Orale, journal of the Canadian Association of Oral History. 2013 special issue.: http://www.oralhistoryforum.ca/index.php/ohf/article/view/539/617
"The bearable lightness of being: Czech irony in history, theory and practice" The Art and Politics of Irony 12-14 April, 2012 McGill University, Montreal
"Soldiers' Tales Un/Told: multidisciplinary perspectives on trauma and narrative." Beyond Testimony and Trauma: Oral History in the aftermath of mass violence. 22-25 March, 2012, Concordia University, Montreal,
"Soldiers' tales untold: oral history, trauma and reconciliation" roundtable discussion atMemories of Conflict and Disaster: Oral History and the Politics of Truth,Trauma, and Reconciliation, the OralHistory Association annual conference in Denver CO, 12-16 October, 2011.
"Trauma, narrative, and oral history in Shaw Pong Liu's "Soldiers tales untold" (Chair and panelist) Times of Crisis, Times of Change" OHA annual conference. 27-31October, 2010, Atlanta, GA
"Ask me in a thousand years: the (d)evolution of human rights in China." China in Search of Sustainable Development, Social Harmony, and Soft Power. International Symposium & the 23rd Association of Chinese Political Science Annual Meeting. 30 July-1 August 2010, Beverly, MA.
"The Irony Giant: a comparative oral history of the Cold war" Between past and future: oral history, memory and meaning: IOHA biennial conference. 7-11 July 2010, Prague, Czech Republic
Chair of Roundtable: "Lessons and Legacies of the Velvet Revolution" Reading and Writing Lives: AAASS national convention, 12-15 November, 2009, Boston, MA
"Trauma and narrative: oral history and frame analysis in Soldiers' Tales Untold" Remembering war, genocide and other human rights atrocities: oral history, new media and the arts. 5-8 November, 2009. Concordia University, Montreal PQ, Canada.
"The Glocalvore's dilemma" From local to global: world affairs symposium. 4-6 November 2009. Keene State College, NH
"Pay no attention to the man behind the iron curtain: prospectus for a comparative oral history of the cold war." 14-18 October, 2009. Moving beyond the interview: Oral History Association Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY.
"The personal is antipolitical: total realism as the aesthetic of the Czech underground during Normalization" The personal is political: interfaces between politics and culture across Europe in the 1970s. 26-27 August, 2009. Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge University, Cambridge UK
"A spectre is haunting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Human Rights, Civil Society and the Legacy of Charter 77"SHUR conference: Human rights in conflict " the role of civil society. 4-6 June, 2009. LUISS University, Rome, Italy.
"Racial profiling at the Borders: Implications for national and human security" Racial profiling at the borders, 25 April, 2008, Kwantlen University College, Surrey, BC, Canada.
"Anti-political politics and anti-poetical poetics: negotiating political opposition and aesthetic freedom during Normalization in Czechoslovakia" The Persistence of Empire: AAASS national convention, 15-18 November, 2007, New Orleans, LA
"The irony of antipolitics" Charter 77: From the Assertion of Human Rights to the Democratic Revolution 1977-1989, 21-23 March .2007 National Museum and the Faculty of Arts of the Charles university, Prague, Czech Republic
Chair of panel "Victimology and Human Rights" and presenting "Criminology, victimology and human rights: towards a synthetic paradigm" ISA annual convention 28 Feb- 3 March 2007, Chicago, IL.
"The evolution of human rights in the Czech Republic after 1989" Kapitoly z Ceske Politiky: Workshop 6-7 October, 2006 Institute of Contemporary History, Prague, Czech Republic.
"Human rights als ob: genesis and justification" Reframing Human Rights II, 27 April-1 May 2006 Irmgard Coninx Foundation, Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, Erfurt, Germany.
"Human Rights in the Americas as a case study outgrowth of organization competition" ISA annual convention, 22-25 March 2006, San Diego, CA. "Human Rights als ob: a cynical reframing" 3rd Berlin roundtables on transnationality, 4-6 October, 2005Irmgard Coninx Foundation, the Social Science Research center, and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
"Victimology and Human Rights in the Americas" Human Rights Education Conference: Theoretical and Practical Considerations for the 21st Century, 17-19 June, 2005, Roehampton University, London, England.
"The New Europe: Rumsfeld v. Masaryk on federalism and EU integration." Redefining Europe, Ashburn Institute; University of Northern Virginia; EuroAtlantis Institute, Prague, Czech Republic, 29 April-2 May 2005
"A whiter shade of pale: Is the post in post-totalitarianism the same as the post in post-colonialism?" Enemies of Empire, University of Limerick, Ireland, June 2004
"Brezhnev meets Bakhtin in Prague: the trial of the Plastic People of the Universe" Cultural Studies Association conference, Boston MA, May 2004
"People in glass houses: Living in Truth in the new panopticon" (poster session) Hegemony and its discontents:2004 International Studies Association annual conference, Montreal, PQ, March 2004
"Antipolitical politics and antipoetical poetics: resistance and refusal as modes of opposition in Charter 77 and the Czech Underground" AAASS National Conference, Crystal City, Virginia, November 2001
"The Fall and Rise of the Plastic People of the Universe" National Slavic Forum University of Chicago, April 17-18, 1998
"Where is Central Europe?\" Real Estate, Emory University, March 20-21, 1998. (conference co-organizer)
"Digital Manipulation and Critical Consumerism" Culture for Sale, Emory University, April 1996 (conference co-organizer)
"AbNormalization: Cultural Resistance to the Brezhnev Doctrine" Against the Grain, American Studies Conference at Bowling Green State University, March 1996
"A Photo-Ghost in the Machine: the Theoretical Implications of Digital Image Manipulation" Culture is Ordinary, American Studies Conference at Bowling Green State University, April 199
Guest editor of Oral History Forum Histoire Orale, journal of the Canadian Oral History Association, 2014 special issue: "Human Rights and Oral History: Stories of Survival, healing, redemption, and Accountability."
"Sleeping with an elephant, dancing with a dragon: Canadian foreign policy in a post- Westphalian world." [in Chinese translation] The Blue Book of Canada: Annual Report on the development of Canada, Center for Canadian Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China, 2014.
"Multidisciplinary perspectives on trauma and narrative in the consideration and treatment of PTSD (and preTSD)" Oral History Forum Histoire Orale, journal of the Canadian Association of Oral History. 2013 special issue.
"Soldiers' tale un/told: narrative, trauma and remembering through performance." Remembering Mass Violence: Oral History, New Media and Performance. Steven High, Edward Little, Thi Ry Duong, eds. University of Toronto Press, 2013.
Book review of "Worlds of Dissent: Charter 77, the Plastic People of the Universe, and Czech Culture Under Communism\" by Jonathan Bolton (Harvard U Press, 2012) published in Central and East European Review summer 2013.
"Racial profiling at the borders: Implications for National and Human Security." Proceedings of the International conference on Racial Profiling at the Borders, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey, BC, Canada. (forthcoming)
"Soldiers' tales un/told: narrative, trauma and remembering through performance" alt.theater: cultural diversity and the stage, 9:2 Dec. 2011.
"Ask me in a thousand years: the (d)evolution of human rights in China" The Chinese Labyrinth: Exploring China's Model of Development. Baogang Guo, ed. Roman & Littlefield, 2011
"Antipolitical politics and antipoetical poetics: the aesthetics of the Czech Underground" (in Russian translation) New Literary Observer, Moscow (June 2008)
"The irony of antipolitics: an exercise in critical sympathy" Charter 77: From the Assertion of Human Rights to the Democratic Revolution 1977-1989, National Museum and the Faculty of Arts of the Charles university, Prague, Czech Republic (2008)
"AbNormalization: The Plastic People of the Universe and the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia," in The Human Tradition in Modern Europe 1750-present, ed. Cora Granata and Cheryl Koos (Rowman & Littlefield, 2007).
"Panchen Lama" and "General Markos," entries for the Encyclopedia of the Cold War (ABC-CLIO, 2007)
"Is the post in posttotalitarian the post in postcolonial?" in Enemies of Empire: new perspectives on imperialism, literature and history, ed. Eoin Flannery and Angus Mitchell (Dublin: Four Courts Press 2006).
"The New Europe: Rumsfeld v. Masaryk on federalism and EU integration."
Proceedings of Redefining Europe conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 29 April-2 May 2005.
(with Miroslav Vanek] "The ecological roots of a democracy movement" Human Rights Dialogue 2/11 (Spring 2004).
"Appropriation and the Semiotics of Seeing" Thresholds: VC, Oct. 1996
"AbNormalization: Cultural Resistance to the Brezhnev Doctrine" Bowling Green State University American Culture Studies E-journal.
"Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak" Emory University postcolonial studies. www.emory.edu/ENGLISH/Bahri/Spivak.html